Centralia-Chehalis Vintage Auto Club
Annual Spring Coming Out Meet

The Centralia-Chehalis Spring Coming-Out was originally conceived as the yearly roll out event for what was at that time, the Centralia-Chehalis Regional Group of the Horseless Carriage Club of America. The idea was to get the cars out from winter storage and start the new season of touring for the year. It was to be a social event and a chance for the hobbyist to show their vintage automobile, newest acquisition or latest restoration. There was to be no competition or judging, just enjoying the cars and the conversation.

The first Spring Coming-Out was held on May 3rd, 1964 at Borst Park in Centralia Wash. with about 20 cars in attendance. It started out as a pancake breakfast but soon evolved into a pot luck dinner.

As the meet became more popular, the facilities at Borst Park were no longer adequate and on April 25th, 1971, the location was changed to the High School grounds at Tenino, Washington and continues to be held at that location at this time.

The Coming-Out has been held annually without interruption, since 1964, on the last Sunday in April. While the attendance has occasionally been effected by the weather, the event usually has between 100 to 150 cars participating with many clubs represented. The club furnishes coffee and cookies starting at 10:00 AM and at noon a short meeting is held for the clubs to announce their events for the season followed by a potluck. This year because the meet has grown so much in size, the potluck dinner has been changed to a potluck dessert and there will be a food vendor on site where the participants can purchase food.






















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