The Passing of Dick Page

Dick Page of Tacoma, Washington passed away peacefully on
June 12, 2015 and will be missed by all that knew him.

A Memorial Service was held on June 20, 2015 at the
Sunset Bible Church as The Station in University Place, WA.


Active in the automotive scene in many aspects from the time he was a young teen, Dick's first car was a Model A Ford coupe that he bought for 85 dollars. He drove it home and tore it up. The top was chopped, the body channeled over the frame, and a V-8 installed along with other modifications. After going for a ride in a deuce hot rod, Dick parted it out. That ride really gave him the bug for deuces and he owned a 5 Window Coupe and a Sedan for most of his life. He famously returned a best unfinished trophy for his ready to show sedan, stating unequivocally that is was finished. 

During high school, Dick was a member of the Tacoma Drag-Ons. In 1960, noted customizer Darrel Christenson taught Dick how to paint and in the early 1960s, Dick helped Louie Chavez show the Jade Idol and the Solar Scene. He was close to Ed “Big Daddy” Roth and went on the show circuit with him, as well. In about 1964, Dick joined his friends of the Tacoma Capers car club and was a Capers member until he joined the Tacoma Toppers. Later on he became a member of L.A. Roadsters.

Dick wrote for Tex Smith for a while, did articles for Rod & Custom, had his own television show, and was known as the Northwest’s preeminent automotive historian. He was also an auto shop teacher and many of his students went on to builder status of their own.

While fighting health problems over the last five years, Dick continued to pursue his interests and share his knowledge of the automotive culture.

Click Here to enjoy Dick's story of meeting Big Daddy Ed Roth.

David Dickinson, a longtime friend of Dick's, shared with us,
a poem he wrote after hearing of Dick's passing...

I Got A Call Today
by David Dickinson

In Loving Memory of Dick Page
8/11/1941 - 6/12/2015

My cars are clean and ready

They're standing tall each one

It's time for me to cruise away

You see my time here's done


I got a call today

He said it's time to go

I've been waiting for his invite

To be in his big show


I leave behind a family

Of relatives and friends

I'd like to tarry longer

To enjoy the love each sends


I got a call today

He said it's time to go

I've been waiting for his invite

To be in his big show


Old friends are standing in the light

I'm heading towards them now

I'd like to stay behind with you

But it's time to take my bow


I got a call today

He said it's time to go

I've been waiting for his invite

To be in his big show


For those of you I leave behind

I just want you to know

My days with you have been a joy

But it's simply time you know


I got a call today

He said it's time to go

So, I've accepted his gracious invite

And I'm off to his big show

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