Lewiston Hot August Nights - August 22nd & 23rd, 2014

If you haven't attended Lewiston's Hot August Nights, you're missing out on a great time and a lot of cool rides! We arrived in Lewiston on Thursday and attended the Cruise-In at Rogers Toyota and met a lot of great people and they we're excited that Northwest Classic Auto Mall was there to capture the event. There were quite a few people we had met at the different Washington shows we've attended, so it was almost like a little reunion as well.

The Friday Night Cruise in Downtown Lewiston was smaller than normal, due to the rain that hit just before cruise time, but it didn't stop the determined cruisers to hit the pavement, showing off their waterproof rides.

Saturday temperatures in the mid-80's was welcoming to those who are used to the normally 100+ degrees the Lewiston/Clarkston area experiences this time of year. It was in the early morning hours of Saturday that you could hear the rumble of the cars making their way to the Downtown Streets of Lewiston for the 28th Annual Hot August Nights Show n' Shine. It was a beautiful, tree-lined setting, providing a mostly shaded area for both the participants and spectators.

If you'd like to know more about the event for your next year plans, visit the Lewiston Hot August Nights website!

Below is a sampling of pictures from the event. 

Photography by David G Photography

















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