The American Veterans Car Club

The American Veterans Car Club was formed to promote the Patriotic American way of life our forefathers, and Mothers fought and died for; to promote the aims and purposes of all Congressionally Chartered Veteran Organizations; to promote a family oriented recreational activity for the members; and to use our passion for the uniquely American Automotive Enthusiast Hobby as a means of bringing joy and support to our brother and sister veterans, their families and our communities.

We are all members of Veteran organizations like the Veterans of Foreign Wars or the American Legion (required) and are active in many Veteran activities.

Our fundraising events help support Veterans in SW Washington through various veteran support groups. Money raised stays local to support local veterans.

Browse around the website and if you like what you see, please come and visit one of our meetings and decide if you would like to join us.

Meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month at 6:00pm at:

Bob's Automotive
327 Pioneer St.
Ridgefield, WA 98642

Come for a visit and meet us.
The meetings are always open!
We look forward to seeing you there!

Questions? Call Bob at 360-518-7828, Dick at 360-213-3756 or
Lynn at 360-750-9626.

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Northwest Vehicle Appraisers

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1959 Cadillac No Top

2001 Kawasaki Drifter A Real Time Capsule - Originally Purchased as a Collector Piece

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1929 Ford Deluxe Roadster Pickup

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